Rwenzori Rainmakers - Rewilding and Supporting the Community in Uganda


Rwenzori Rainmakers - Rewilding and Supporting the Community in Uganda

It is a story about a creative enterprise in the foothills of the Rwenzori Mountains of western Uganda that empowers its community through restoration, art, and health services.

Since 2008, thousands of indigenous trees have been planted, 80 acres of land have been rewilded, and bird counts have increased from 50 to 200 species. The forest keeps expanding, as local community members are replanting trees on neighbouring plots following the lead of the Rwenzori Founders.

These trees will help mitigate against climate change while also helping endangered wildlife return. If we restore 30% of lands that were converted to farmland in priority areas like this, working at local levels, we could possibly prevent 70% of predicted mammal, bird and amphibian extinctions.

Films for Change hopes to convey this story with the Rwenzori Rainmakers documentary. The goal is to inspire positive environmental action and awareness in Africa and beyond.